Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hint and you shall receive

Histamine problem solved!

My mom called this morning. She and my dad are visiting this weekend. In addition to being the world's best house guests (knowing that I neither cook nor clean, they are bringing their own sheets, their own towels, and a lasagna), they are also delivering a big ol' box of Alavert, purchased on the cheap at the biggest big box store of them all: Super WalMart.

It's not cheating if I didn't request it. Right?


Unknown said...

You are cheating!!! But I guess I will allow you to. I always think, hmm could I do what Abby is doing. Most likely not. What would you say about co-ops? I love REI and it is a chain but its a co-op so I think it is a much more friendly chain, could you shop there?

I totally agree with the Starbucks argument. It is really good at educating consumers about coffee, developing a taste for it and developing the traffic necessary to support a local shop. What other chains do that? Just some things to think about.

Abby said...

Who are you, conflict resolution forum???

I don't like going anywhere that isn't paved, so REI isn't tops on my shopping list, but it's a fine establishment. Co-ops are great. I don't (yet) have any big moral beef with chain stores in general. Really, I just wanted to see whether I could go without them for a year. So far, it's working for me. After this year is up, I'm sure I will go back to them--it's the American way, and I am an American girl.