Friday, September 5, 2008

Sink or Swim

My first crisis is now.

I want to learn to swim. To do so, I'm going to have to join a gym. Here's the problem: the only gym I can find that 1) has a pool; 2) is affordable; and 3) is close to my apartment is the YWCA. Even though the YWCA is a "nonprofit membership association" and not a for-profit company, it has many of the characteristics of a chain. So of course I should steer clear of it.

But: dragging myself to the gym is difficult under any circumstances. Why make myself less likely to go by enrolling in some distant fitness center? And also: a friend has generously offered to give me swimming lessons, with one caveat: I have to do my learnin' at her pool. Where does she swim? The Y.

So that's that.

I'm also going to need a new swimming suit, something sportier and less mortifying than the American flag-patterned tankini I already own. I managed to locate two non-chain swimwear shops in the Twin Cities. The first, Pure Blue Swim Shop, is in Plymouth. The bus doesn't go there. It does, however, go to Rah Sports in Richfield. Unfortunately, my phone call to Rah was answered by a machine, and the company's laughable website makes me wonder whether the store exists at all.

My first lesson is Sunday.


sararah said...

I don't think that there are many gyms that aren't chains -- even the locally owned and operated Ames Racquet and Fitness almost meets your definition of a chain seeing as it has three locations in Ames. So I guess that also means no more thrift shopping at the Salvation Army? ;)

Good luck with the lessons! With your road bike you'll be ready for your first triathlon in no time!

Abby said...

That does indeed mean no shopping at Salvation Army. Lucky for me, there are plenty of other indie thrift stores in Minneapolis. (Not that that will help me in the new swimsuit department; I draw the line at used skivvies.)

Frodo said...

You are learning how to swim? I thought I taught you at the Crystal Pool in world famous Truskavets. Well good luck and I hope you thoroughly embarrass yourself during the first few lessons.
I also love how your Aunt Rog is passing on the crack.