Thursday, October 16, 2008

Unchained FAIL

I couldn't find inkjet cartridges anywhere! I called art stores. I called bookstores. On Monday, I signed up for online accounts at two local independent office supply companies, but I haven't received confirmation from either of them, so screw it.

I am completely out of ink. If I can't print, I can't work, so today I ordered cartridges from Office Depot. It's my first Unchained FAIL. I feel like a relapsed junkie or something. Before you know it, I'll be selling sex for Post-Its. If it's good enough for Marcia Brady, it's good enough for me.

1 comment:

Frodo said...

Abby, that is not a failure on your part but an unfortunate victory for big boxopolis. I think noting the failures or struggles is the best part about this experiment. If everything was easy we'd all shop small.
I still suggest the Ukie method of a bottle of ink and a syringe.
Enjoy Chi-town!